As an East Coast native, Courtney graduated high school and quickly packed her bags for sunny San Diego. With no friends or family in sight she adopted the true San Diegan culture and immersed herself in everything this beautiful city had to offer. She graduated from San Diego State University with a degree in Communication and a minor in Studio Art and spent the next 6 years in marketing and sales.
Although incredibly successful and quickly climbing up the corporate ladder, Courtney learned that the traditional soul sucking 9-5 was not for her and knew deep down that there had to be more to life than this. So with a huge leap of faith in herself and in her dreams, she packed up her office, hung her business clothes back in her closet, and left the corporate world.
She spent the next few months traveling, meditating, enjoying time with friends, snowboarding, and just living life how it was meant to be lived - authentically. Soon after, she found Tower and could not pass up the opportunity to be a part of something truly inspiring.